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HOPE Conference 2019 | Las Vegas

Since my diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease in 2016, I have watched as my life has completely changed in more ways than just one. Physically and emotionally, I have been challenged with some of the most heartbreaking, scary, and overwhelming situations. But, after seeing just how fragile my health is and how quickly everything that I thought I knew about my body can change, I promised myself that I would start living life as freely and adventurous as possible. I would do things that scared me. I would challenge myself to grow and learn. I would never take for granted the fragile crown that is our health.

Recently, in light of the promise I made to myself, I was given the opportunity to travel across the country to attend the 11 Health and Technologies HOPE conference in Las Vegas, Nevada at the end of October with Drip Drop ORS, a company that I hold very dear to my heart. The conference was focused on patient care and enhancing the lives of ostomates around the world.

Attending this conference was a last minute decision that left my frantic to prepare - so frantic that I nearly passed up the opportunity. As always, my fears of, "can I really travel that far with my ostomy?" reappeared, threatening my chances of attending. But the promise that I had made to myself echoed in my mind. I knew this would be an unforgettable opportunity to not only represent a company that I believe in, but to meet some of the incredible individuals that I have interacted with online for so long.

While I could literally write an entire novel about my experience, for the sake of time, I at least wanted to highlight some of the most wonderful experiences from the trip (aside from the trip in general). So, here are some of the most special moments from my journey across the United States to Las Vegas:

Traveling with my Mom

When I traveled to California last October to visit the 11 Health and Technologies headquarters, my dad accompanied me. It was my first time flying and my dad's first time flying in quite some time, so the experience was so exciting. This year, when the opportunity to attend the HOPE conference came about, I really wanted my mom to experience it with me this time around. Thankfully, we were able to navigate work schedules and my mom was able to attend with me. Once again, many memories were made (even just within the airport), and it was a trip that we will not forget any time soon.

Meeting Fellow Ostomates

Connecting with thousands of ostomates around the world online is one thing, but actually having the opportunity to meet someone else with an. ostomy - someone who you know just "gets it," is indescribable. This trip not only reunited me with one of my best friends (looking at you, Kristen Furey), but ostomates who I have had the opportunity to follow along with and communicate with for so long. There is such a sense of comfort knowing that the person you are talking to has gone through similar experiences as you. There were so many big hugs and exciting squealing and I do not regret any of it.

Representing Drip Drop ORS

Drip Drop ORS is the reason that I was able to attend the HOPE conference and I cannot even begin to describe the gratitude that I have for the company. As I have mentioned many times, I have used Drip Drop ORS since I was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease in 2016. In fact, I am pretty sure that close to my sickest, my parents were buying every ounce of Drip Drop ORS at our local Rite Aid that was available just to keep me hydrated. Now, as an ostomate, I rely on Drip Drop every single day to keep my hydrated through my busy work schedule and evening runs. Needless to say, Drip Drop is a company that I whole-heartedly believe in, so having the opportunity to represent them at the conference was so surreal to me. On Friday of the conference, I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Dr. Dolhun, founder and inventor of Drip Drop once again, and was able to stand with the Drip Drop table and talk with guests about the company and the products. My heart is still so full reminiscing about the experience now.

Red Rock Canyon

While in Las Vegas, my mom and I rented a vehicle to drive to Red Rock Canyon, an incredibly beautiful park with massive red rock formations. The trip include a 15-mile drive through the canyon, with little stopping points along the way for pictures. I think the pictures speak for themselves, but is was an incredibly beautiful experience.

As I already mentioned, I could go on and on about my experience at the HOPE conference. The gratitude that I feel for even having the opportunity to attend just fills me with so much joy. I will undoubtedly cherish the memories that I collected and the new friends that I made along the way for years to come. This entire trip is a testament to the idea that something that may seem life-changing in all of the wrong ways can actually end up bringing you joy and purpose in ways that you could have never imagined. Something beautiful has emerged from the hardest years of my life, and that is the motivation that I need to keep fighting even on some of the hardest days.

To everyone whom I met at the conference: you are amazing, beautiful, kind, brave, and resilient. Thank you for lifting me up in times of darkness, opening your arms to me, and reminding me that I am never alone in this journey.

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