As 2019 comes to a close, I cannot help but reflect back on the year. This year brought many changes, as well as many challenges along the way. I started my dream job, moved into my first house, underwent another major surgery, and found my passion for running again. I also reconnected with old friends and welcomed new friends into my life. Needless to say, this year was a year of growth. It was also the first year since my diagnosis that I have truly felt like "Kristen." I have always had a drive to push through the challenging moments and a sense of hope that better things were on the way, but this year I had a little extra strength behind me as I worked to seek out myself again. So, here are the nineteen things that I learned in 2019:
1) You cannot always do it all, and that's 100% OK.
2) Traveling outside of your comfort zone is scary, but can bring incredible rewards. I have to elaborate on this one a little because it means so much to me. If you have not seen my latest blog post, I traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada in October for the HOPE Conference with Drip Drop ORS. This was an amazing opportunity to not only meet other ostomates, but represent a company that I hold so close to my heart. Drip Drop is part of my everyday routine living with an ostomy and has made such a positive impact on my life by keeping my hydrated and out of the hospital. I was terrified to travel all the way across the country for the conference, but I felt the fear and did it anyway and the experience was magical. I feel so grateful and so honored to represent a company that makes my life easier.
3) You do not have to have it all figured out right now.
4) In order to take care of others, you have to take care of yourself first.
5) Keeping a house clean with two cats and a puppy is a great challenge (but so worth it).
6) It is OK to be vulnerable. Vulnerability does not equal weakness, and we should never feel ashamed to ask for help.
7) Living with an invisible disability like an ostomy is something to be proud of and does not define who you are as a person.
8) Brussel sprouts cause blockages (we live and we learn, right?).
9) Some of the most wonderful experiences and friendships can come from some of the darkest moments (refer back to number two).
10) Everyone has a story to tell; you just have to listen.
11) Change is scary, but it can also lead you down the path that you were meant to follow.
12) Staying hydrated really does make a world of a difference (thanks to Drip Drop ORS).
13) Your priorities begin to change as you get older - and that is 100% normal. Suddenly, the small things that used to matter no longer weigh as much in your life.
14) The long drive to see an old friend is SO worth it.
15) There is nothing wrong with disconnecting from social media on occasion. In fact, it is really beneficial for your mind to take a break from the constant stimulation.
16) Nature, sunshine, and the outdoors ground you - take advantage of every moment you can.
17) We should always continue to learn. Whether this is a new recipe for dinner or picking up a new language, we should continue to challenge our minds to grow.
18) Lift others up absolutely any time that you can.
19) You are YOU, and that is something to be proud of.
There you have it, guys! These are the nineteen things that I learned in 2019. To say that this year was a challenge would be an understatement, but it was also full of so many wonderful opportunities to grow. If there is one thing for certain, it is that I am leaving 2019 with a full heart and great optimism for what lies ahead in the new decade. Whatever it is, I will do my best to keep my face towards the light and continue to grow each and every day.
Wishing you the happiest of holidays seasons and a Happy New Year.
Sending love and light always - Kristen.